10 Seasonal Allergy Remedies for Children

Children's Seasonal Allergies

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. If you have a concern please consult with your doctor.

Seasonal allergies can turn what should be fun playtime into miserable sneeze-fests for many children.

As trees bloom and grasses grow, they release pollen that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive kids, causing symptoms like runny noses, itchy eyes, and endless sneezing. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to help manage these symptoms and make spring and summer more enjoyable for your little ones.

Here are ten seasonal allergy remedies tailored for children:

1. Stay Indoors During Peak Pollen Times

Pollen counts are typically highest in the early morning and on dry, windy days. Keeping children indoors during these times can significantly reduce their exposure to allergens. Plan outdoor activities for late afternoon or after a rain shower when pollen levels are lower.

2. Use Air Purifiers

Invest in a good air purifier with a HEPA filter for your child’s bedroom and other commonly used areas in the home. These devices can capture a large percentage of airborne pollen, dust, and other allergens, making the air in your home cleaner and easier for your child to breathe.

3. Shower and Change After Playing Outside

Pollen can collect on skin, hair, and clothing, so it's a good idea to have your child shower and change into clean clothes after being outdoors. This reduces the amount of pollen they bring into the house and spread onto surfaces, potentially worsening their symptoms.

4. Keep Windows Closed

It can be tempting to open the house up on nice days, but during allergy season, it's best to keep windows and doors closed to prevent pollen from drifting inside. Use air conditioning in your home and car to help filter the air and keep temperatures comfortable.

5. Over-the-Counter Allergy Medication

Antihistamines can be very effective in controlling allergy symptoms. There are several child-friendly options available that come in liquid or chewable form. Always consult with a pediatrician before starting any new medication to ensure it’s suitable for your child’s age and health.

6. Nasal Rinses

Using a saline nasal rinse can help alleviate nasal congestion and flush out allergens trapped in the sinuses. These are generally safe and can be used daily during allergy season. For young children, consult your pediatrician for appropriate products and usage guidelines.

7. Wear Sunglasses and Hats Outdoors

This simple measure can help keep pollen out of your child’s eyes and off their hair, reducing eye irritation and the likelihood of pollen entering the nasal passages. Plus, sunglasses and hats can protect against UV rays—a double win!

8. Choose Allergy-Friendly Plants for Gardening

If your child enjoys gardening, help them choose plants that are less likely to produce aggravating pollen. Female plants are typically better than male plants, as they do not produce pollen. Some low-pollen choices include azaleas, magnolia, and hostas.

9. Maintain Healthy Indoor Humidity

High humidity can worsen allergy symptoms and promote the growth of mold, another common allergen. Use a dehumidifier to keep your indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50%. This helps keep the air comfortable and minimizes the growth of mold and dust mites.

10. Education

Teach your child about their allergies and how to manage them. Knowing what triggers their symptoms and how to avoid these triggers can make them feel more in control. Educating them on how to speak up about their symptoms and when to ask for help is also crucial.

If your child’s symptoms are persistent and difficult to manage, consider visiting your pediatrician for an allergy test and for help in creating tailored treatment plans, which may include immunotherapy (allergy shots) - a more long-term solution that can decrease sensitivity to allergens.

Managing seasonal allergies in children is all about prevention and control. With these ten tips, you can help minimize your child’s discomfort and allow them to enjoy every season to the fullest. Remember, each child is unique, so it’s important to adapt these strategies to meet your child’s specific needs and consult healthcare providers when necessary. By taking these steps, you can help pave the way for a happier, healthier spring and summer for your child.

Our pediatric clinic is here to support you and your family with allergy testing and immunotherapy, and we’re open 7 days a week with telemedicine options available as well for urgent parental concerns! To book an appointment, give our offices a call at (203) 629-5800 for our Greenwich location or at (203) 920-1675 for our New Canaan location, or email us at admin@riversidectpediatrics.com. For urgent inquiries, please call our office.


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